Monthly Archives: November 2010

Company Rules to be Tightened

Last year an Auckland registered company, SP Trading Ltd, was linked to the sale of arms from North Korea to Iran. When investigations commenced, the Director of SP Trading Ltd, Lu Zhang, was unable to be found. The Companies Office records showed the sole shareholder of SP Trading Ltd to be Vicam (Auckland) Ltd, whose

By |2022-01-10T15:19:02+13:00November 16th, 2010|

Alcohol Law Reform Package

There has been a reported increase in the consumption of alcohol since the liberalisation of the liquor laws in 1989, which made alcohol more affordable and more widely available. On 23 August 2010 the Minister of Justice, Hon. Simon Power, announced a new Alcohol Law Reform package. This new package is based on the Law

By |2022-01-10T15:18:22+13:00November 16th, 2010|

Directors Right to Rely on Specialist Advice

The recent „Feltex Five‟ decision, Ministry of Economic Development v Feeney and Ors, demonstrated that directors may avoid being held personally liable in certain circumstances if they have relied on expert advice. The decision involved the prosecution of five Feltex directors („Directors‟) for failing to disclose breaches of an ANZ loan agreement and for classifying

By |2022-01-10T15:17:46+13:00November 16th, 2010|

90 Day Trial Periods – Employers Beware!!

The Government‟s proposed changes to the Employment Relations Act 2000 („ERA‟) include extending the 90 day trial period to all employers, rather than just those with fewer than 20 employees. The main benefit of a trial period is that it allows an employer to dismiss an employee within the 90 day trial period without fear

By |2022-01-10T15:16:28+13:00November 10th, 2010|
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